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Prostitution is often called the world’s oldest profession. It’s been around since the beginning of time and can be traced back to ancient civilization. Prostitution hasn’t stopped after thousands of years and it’s not going to stop anytime soon. Prostitution is already legal in some parts of the world, but not in Canada and the United States. I think it should be. I think that legalizing it would solve more problems than it would create. If it was legalized people could be protected from diseases, the streets could be kept cleaner, and prostitutes would have a safer working environment. Does prostitution really hurt anybody? It benefits both the prostitute, and the customer. The prostitute gets their money, and the customer gets their pleasure. It fulfils both people’s needs. Even though prostitution is not legal, it will continue to happen. They will find a way around the law, and continue with their business. If it is legalized, laws can be made to keep prostitutes and people safer than they are now.
Some people don’t think much of prostitutes. They think that they are all drug addicts who spread diseases. This may be true in some cases, but many are just trying to make a living and are very clean. For the few bad ones, they would be the ones who would most benefit from legalization. They could be provided with the necessary health and safety items to prevent any diseases or sicknesses from spreading. If prostitution was legal, they could have a designated place to work. This would keep residential neighbourhoods and other valued streets clean. It will be impossible to stop prostitution but it can be controlled. The government could legalize prostitution requiring the prostitute had a permit, and got drug tests, and medical exams on a regular basis. If any banned substances or diseases were found, they would be stopped. Prostitution would be considered a business and would have to pay taxes like everyone else. The tax money could be used for something useful, like helping the prostitutes find a better job, and help get them off the streets. If any violations were detected, then the law would be enforced.
Another benefit to legalizing it is that prostitutes would no longer need a pimp. This would help prevent pressure to drug use. It would stop pimps from abusing their prostitutes, and the prostitutes wouldn’t be afraid to quit their job. Other opinions are that prostitution should stay illegal. They think that if the government legalizes prostitution, they are turning themselves into pimps. They are taking responsibility for prostitutes. This may be partly true but at least the government won’t beat the girls and lead them towards drugs.
Does becoming a prostitute make you less of a person? I think a person’s choice of occupation should not be put down. It’s that person’s choice to do what they do and, whether you agree with it or not, they still deserve some respect. Some are concerned for the prostitute’s children. What does a child tell the kids at school that their parents do for a living? This is one problem I have not got a solution to. There will always be an ethical concern. The problem exists now, and it will exist if prostitution is legalized.
There are many fair arguments against prostitution but I think the benefits to legalizing prostitution are greater. If you legalize it, you can offer more help and protection to the prostitutes. The people will be kept safer. It is going to happen whether we like it or not, so I say we control it. Don’t let be harmful to society. The human sex drive can’t be prohibited, so why is it? Fighting against human nature is a battle that can’t be won, so why fight it?
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